| Table of contents Cienc. Psicol. vol.13 no.1 Montevideo June 2019 Editorial | | | | · From the Pen to the Mousse Daset, Lilian R.
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Work engagement: a study of daily changes Silva de Carvalho Chinelato, Renata; Ferreira, Maria Cristina; Valentini, Felipe
| | | | · Sexting in adolescence: perceptions of parents Tavares Cardoso, Andre; Falcke, Denise; Pereira Mosmann, Clarisse
| | | | · What patients reject psychotherapists? An exploration of the cases - themes and personality styles - that disturb psychologists and psychiatrists in clinical work Rodríguez Ceberio, Marcelo; Agostinelli, Jésica; Díaz Videla, Marcos; Daverio, Romina
| | | | · Psychometric analysis of PANAS in Brazil Otsuka Nunes, Lucas Yukio; Campos Lopes Lemos, Daniel; de Castro Ribas Júnior, Rodolfo; Brandão Behar, Cláudia; Pires dos Santos, Pedro Paulo
| | | | · Influence of depression symptoms on neuropsychological functions after stroke Pioli dos Santos, Daniele; de Carvalho Rodrigues, Jaqueline; Fumagalli de Salles, Jerusa
| | | | · Marital and parental conflict resolution tactics in south-brazilian families Azeredo Bolze, Simone Dill; Schmidt, Beatriz; Nunes Bossardi, Carina; Gomes, Lauren Beltrão; Bigras, Marc; Vieira, Mauro Luís; Crepaldi, Maria Aparecida
| | | | · Contemporary research in Educational Psychology Batista da Silva, Marcos Antonio; Azevedo, Cleomar; Picanço Júnior, Álvaro da Cruz; de Lima Salgado, Valter
| | | | · Psychometric properties of the online global symptoms scale (ESGO) Durao, María; Ungaretti, Joaquín; Genise, Gabriel; Etchezahar, Edgardo
| | | | · Positive Psychology Interventions for elderly in Brazil Durgante, Helen; Weinert Mezejewski, Liriel; Navarine e Sá, Caroline; Dalbosco Dell’Aglio, Débora
| | | | · Evaluation of the prejudice towards immigrants: Argentine adaptation of the scale of subtle and blatant prejudice Civalero, Luciana; Alonso, Daniela; Brussino, Silvina
| | | | · Entrepreneurial intention at university Cortez, Pedro Afonso; da Silva Veiga, Heila Magali
| | | | · Cyberbullying and its relationship with perceived stress in high school students - A Case of study in the Province of Tungurahua Larzabal-Fernández, Aitor; Ramos-Noboa, María Isabel; Hong Hong, Adan Eduardo
| | | Psychology and curricular emphases education Barreto, Maria da Apresentação; Gonçalves Dias Facci, Marilda; Lima da Nóbrega, Maria Luísa; Ferreira Fernandes, Sarah Ruth
| | | Routines of Amazonia’s riverine elderly families and restructuring of roles in aging Gomes do Nascimento, Rodolfo; de Oliveira Cardoso, Ronald; Lima dos Santos, Zeneide Nazaré; da Silva Pinto, Denise; Colino Magalhães, Celina Maria
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