| Table of contents Arch. Pediatr. Urug. vol.88 no.3 Montevideo June 2017 Editorial Review | | | | · High-flow nasal cannula therapy in children with severe asthma exacerbations in a pediatric emergency department Arch Pediatr Urug 2017; 88 (3):142-8 Pérez, Walter
| | | Original Article | | | | · Use of psychtropic drugs in hospitalized children Mastroianni, Mariana; Ackermann, Carolina; Speranza, Noelia; Catenaccio, Valentina; Telechea, Héctor; Giachetto, Gustavo; Tamosiunas, Gustavo
| | | | · High-flow nasal cannula therapy in children with severe asthma exacerbations in a pediatric emergency department Morosini, Fabiana; Tórtora, Soledad; Amarillo, Paloma; Alonso, Bernardo; Más, Mariana; Dall’Orso, Patricia; Prego, Javier
| | | | · Children assisted at the Pediatric Palliative Care Unit of Pereira Rossell Hospital for injuries due to external causes. 2008-2016 Notejane, Martín; Bernadá, Mercedes; González, Andrea; Bertinat, Andrea
| | | Clinical Case | | | | · Moebius syndrome. Case report Ramírez-Izcoa, Alejandro; Sánchez-Sierra, Luis; Rivas-Sevilla, Katherine; Varela-González, Douglas; Alvarenga, Ramón
| | | | · Neonatal shock as the initial presentation of panhypopituitarism. A clinical case Ospitaleche, Mariangel; Ghione, Andrea; Ramírez, María José; Silvera, Fernando
| | | Brief communication | | | | · Montelukast in children under 5 years old with recurrent wheezing: what are its benefits? Grarafoni, Federico; Catenaccio, Valentina; Telechea, Héctor; Giachetto, Gustavo
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