| Table of contents Rev. Méd. Urug. vol.38 no.2 Montevideo June 2022 Original articles | | | | · Description of benzodiazepines availability and regulation in several countries of Latin America, 2022 Speranza Mourine, Noelia; Viroga Espino, Stephanie; Naeko Uema, Sonia Andrea; Pimentel Montero, Fátima; Calvo Barbado, Dulce María; Cañás, Martín; Aldunate, María Francisca; Ramírez Camacho, Mario Alberto; Escalante Saavedra, Pamela Alejandra
| | | | · Second study on the use of benzodiazepines in a Uruguayan population (2014-2018): the problem advances Barboza, Leandro; Artagaveytia, Pía; Speranza, Noelia; Domínguez, Viviana; Tamosiunas, Gustavo
| | | | · Usefulness of the multiplex PCR panel in the early microbiological diagnosis and antimicrobial suitability in critical patients withpneumonia Mauro, Sofía; Verga, Federico; Galiana, Antonio; Vieytes, Mariela; Godino, Mario; Barbato, Marcelo
| | | | · Device-based monitoring in physical activity versus self-report in Uruguayan university students Pintos-Toledo, Enrique; Bizzozero Peroni, Bruno; Fernández-Giménez, Sofía; Corvos, César Augusto; Brazo-Sayavera, Javier
| | | | · Web-based survey on sexual behavior and HIV prevention practices in gay men and men who have sex with men in Uruguay Cabrera, Susana; Pérez, Lucía; Meré, Juan José; Pérez, Daniel; Miranda, Chiara; Cavallieri, Fiorella
| | | | · Medical-forensic study of deaths in police custody during the period of State terrorism in Uruguay Rodríguez Almada, Hugo; Bazán Hernández, Natalia; Iglesias Salaverría, Victoria; Pérez Real, Evangelina
| | | | · Performance of the Bethesda SYSTEM in the cytopathological diagnosis of the thyroid nodule in a university center (Hospital de Clínicas) in Uruguay, ten years of experience Guarneri, Carolina; Parada, Ulises; Fernández, Lucía; Taruselli, Roberto; Cazabán, Luis
| | | Review Article | | | | · Q fever: historical review of human cases in Uruguay. A complementary approach from the medical and veterinarian sciences Rabaza, Ana; Giannitti, Federico; Fraga, Martín; Pérez Lorenzo, Claudia; Hirigoyen, Darío
| | | Clinical case | | | | · Methylprednisolone-induced hepatotoxicity. A case report Duarte, Victoria; Taborda, Ana; de León, Yesika; Facal, Jorge
| | | | · Sporadic mesenteric fibromatosis. A case report. Literature review López Penza, Patricia; Pereira, María Noel; Costa Paz, Carlos; Oreggia Carrau, María
| | | | · Sectioned epidural catheter: a case report and review of literature Santiago, Agustín; Pérez de Palleja, Martín; Dentella, Lorena
| | | | · First report of hypogastric arteries angioembolization within the context of pelvic trauma in Uruguay Pécora, Matías; Sande, Leonardo; Langleib, Marcelo; Biestro, Alberto
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