Cultura y Desarrollo en el Uruguay del Siglo XXI Arocena, Felipe
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Articles |
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| · Work notions in Uruguay: Supervielle, Marcos
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| · Democratic culture: the projection of equality Pereira, Gustavo
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| · Culture, economic growth and wealth distribution: between the egalitarian ethos and poverty condemnation Cabrera, Hernán; Mullin, Gastón
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| · Culture as a field of mirages for the environment: cultural interpretation of reality Elissalde, Roberto
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| · Culture, innovation, science and technology in Uruguay: sketches of their linkages Bortagaray, Isabel
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| · About the familiar in the culture in today‘s Uruguay: reflections from community social psychology López, Sandra; Rodríguez, Ana Carina
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| · Every day life and political rights at secondary school: coexistence in question Viscardi, Nilia
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| · The longevity revolution: technological change, population ageing and cultural transformation Menéndez, Gerardo
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| · Scientific culture and political culture: breaking the gap between the two cultures Chávarro, Luis Alfonso
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| · Dilemmas in development initiatives towards family farming:cheese-making producers in Entre Ríos, Argentina Craviotti, Clara
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