Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · A Sociological approach to the human resource management: an overview from the recognition theory Supervielle, Marcos
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| · Employment quality in Argentina (2004-2011): a critique of the educational credential approach Salvia, Agustín; Vera, Julieta
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| · Functions of soil resources and business models of production: advances of agrarian capitalism in Argentina and Brazil Guibert, Martine; Bühler, Ève Anne
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| · Control and resistance in the work process: the case of a company in the cellulose forestry chain in Uruguay Menéndez, Victoria
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| · Epistemic trends on Youth category: a Foucauldian perspective Ulloa Brenes, Gilbert
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| · The youth as fear and stigmatization objet: feelings from and to young from countries of Cono Sur di Napoli, Pablo
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| · Proyecto Brasil 4D Interactividad en televisión pública Castro, Cosette; Barbosa Filho, André
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