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Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados
versão impressa ISSN 1688-8375versão On-line ISSN 2393-6606
Enfermería (Montevideo) vol.9 no.2 Montevideo dez. 2020 Epub 01-Dez-2020
Recognition and perception for Maternity and Parenthood
1Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU), São Paulo. Brasil.
Mr. Editor, I come by this means, through the Letter to the Editor, to present my notes, visions and reflections on the article 1 Perception of the nursing faces of pregnant women in the Maternity and Paternity course, published in the journal Nursing: Humanized Care, Vol. 4, No. 2 - December 2015. The article has extreme relevance in the field of Education and Research, it deserves to be widely disseminated and the way to excellence has been the publication in this journal, about its relevance and meaning 1).
The article describes pregnant women's perception of the care provided by nurses during the course that serves to prepare certain individuals for the process of motherhood and fatherhood and, according to the categories presented in the study, three fundamental aspects should be considered: supervision, recognition and teaching of care. The persons who participate in the course of preparation for recognition of Maternity and Paternity understand the care provided by the Nurses, recognizing it as a fundamental aspect, through the execution of actions aimed at the well-being of the pregnancy, the child and the family 1).
Motherhood and fatherhood are considered to be complex elements and are the subject of studies at national and international levels. As a result, many ideas about parenthood have often been disseminated in scientific circles, which may lead mothers and fathers to consider that the models they have learned and used are no longer valid or are inadequate in the face of national and global developments 2.
It is important to emphasize that being a mother and father is a complex task and that much has been asked about the best way to carry it out. The construction of parenthood, considering the history of the parents themselves from before conception, their challenges in the face of expected and unexpected situations, such as prematurity, hospitalization, the physical and emotional illness of the child or parents, the expansion of the childcare network and the transformations that the family can go through throughout its development, seem to be fundamental to understanding parenting as a dynamic, two-way process between parents and children. Thus, the possible publication is identified to inspire reflections on the importance of maternal and paternal roles for the development of children and adolescents 3,4.
It is worth mentioning that Health Education and the insertion of the paternal figure are two fundamental elements during the cycle of pregnancy, the groups and courses offered by health professionals base the process on the care of the life cycle of Women's Health. Against all the findings and exposed there is the traditional family model, the father is the one who has unlimited powers over the other members of the family, who submit themselves to authority. It is necessary to recognize that the influence of the fatherhood model still persists today, but some socio-cultural changes are gradually establishing a new paradigm within the family sphere. Emphasizing the female revolution and the insertion of women in the labour market. In this way, it is possible to reorganize the roles and functions of men and women with respect to childcare. Fatherhood is inserted in a new family model, which assumes and recognizes fatherhood by offering value to women, facilitating the gravitational cycle, making affective exchanges and demonstrating fragilities for men, showing security and trust, making the division of tasks between the couple, commitment and support to women in the whole process of gestation, delivery, postpartum and monitoring of growth and development of the child 1-4.
Finally, nursing professionals, especially obstetric nurses and obstetricians, need to establish interactions and caring relationships based on solidarity, emotional support and comfort for women and their partners. Another care scenario is expected, capable of positively influencing the perception of motherhood and fatherhood from prenatal to birth.
1. Suárez Baquero DFM, MP de Bejarano Beltrán. Percepción del cuidado de Enfermería de las gestantes del curso de Maternidad y Paternidad. Enfermagem (Montev). 2015, 4 (2): 33-9. DOI: [ Links ]
2. Santos LFM, Janini JP, Souza VM, Santos RS. Transição para maternidade e maternagem em mulheres cadeirantes: perspectiva da enfermagem. Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Internet). 2019. Dec; 72(Suppl 3): 290-296. DOI: [ Links ]
3. Santos GG, Cesar MBN. Direito, participação e experiência do pai no processo de parto e nascimento. Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento. Ano 04, Ed. 07, Vol. 05, pp. 05-28. Julho de 2019. DOI: [ Links ]
4. Trindade Z et al. Pais de primeira viagem: demanda por apoio e visibilidade. Estudo com financiamento do Programa Nacional de Pós-Doutorado (PNPD) da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) e do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Saúde e Sociedade (online). 2019, v. 28, n. 1, pp. 250-261. DOI: [ Links ]