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versión impresa ISSN 0797-0374versión On-line ISSN 1688-9339
Odontoestomatología vol.24 no.39 Montevideo jun. 2022 Epub 01-Ago-2022
Research is the process of creating new knowledge.
Scientific research is the systematized and orderly process whereby we obtain new, relevant, and reliable information based on the scientific method. It aims to produce new knowledge focused on answering a question or solving a problem. Therefore, we may understand that the creation of new knowledge can concentrate on enriching existing scientific knowledge, adding new data and information to modify or create theories and increase knowledge. This is known as “basic research.” When such knowledge is used to solve a specific practical problem or answer a particular question with practical purposes, then we are in the realm of “applied research.” Both are important and interdependent.
Research is one of the leading university functions. Therefore, our School of Dentistry has a key role in creating new knowledge. It focuses on providing original and innovative knowledge that adds to the existing scientific body of research and applying this knowledge to solve problems in our field of study: medicine/dentistry. The School of Dentistry conducts basic, clinical, and epidemiological research to study various national, regional, and global oral health problems.
Odontoestomatología has proved essential to communicate our research activities. This journal disseminates cutting-edge dental knowledge of national and regional relevance. Over time and boosted by the hard work of its directors and editorial staff, our journal has reached a prominent position of well-deserved recognition among peer researchers in Latin America. It has become one of the main dissemination mechanisms for dental research in Latin America.
Therefore, it fills me with pleasure and pride to announce that as of 2021, Odontoestomatología has been the dissemination outlet of the Uruguayan Society for Dental Research (SUIO), a member of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Since its foundation in 2006, the SUIO has worked tirelessly and firmly committed to promoting, encouraging, and disseminating national dental research in various regional and international settings. Its new quality and official dissemination outlet creates a strong synergy that will help disseminate Uruguayan dental research. We take this opportunity to make this important announcement and to present the new logo of our beloved SUIO, which will be part of the journal from now on.
Thank you very much.
Presidente Sociedad Uruguay de Investigación Odontológica (SUIO) Titular Área Patología Molecular Estomatológica Universidad de la República, Montevideo, URUGUAY Especialista en Patología y Medicina Bucal. Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) Nivel II (ANII) Investigador PEDECIBA Grado 4 Councillor for Latin America and Caribbean International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists (IAOP) Vocal de Sudamérica AIPMB