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Print version ISSN 0797-0374On-line version ISSN 1688-9339
Odontoestomatología vol.22 no.36 Montevideo 2020 Epub Dec 01, 2020
We now must assume the responsibility and at the same time consolidate efforts to continue with the dissemination and quality communication of the official scientific journal of the School of Dentistry of Universidad de la República-Odontoestomatología-maintaining the standards achieved. This happens in an extraordinary year, within a global health context, where the new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has made us change our communication strategies and how we disseminate the authors' work. For instance, we prioritized sharing the scientific work of institutional references on including clinical and paraclinical strategies to face this pandemic. This has put us to the test, getting the best out of each institutional actor, with the firm conviction that we are contributing and disseminating knowledge for the entire professional collective in Uruguay.
One of the changes we propose is to increase the journal’s online visibility, maintaining the connections already made, and trying to establish new ones. That is why this 36th issue of 2020 is the last one published in paper. This decision is made as part of several activities planned for the coming years: encouraging the university collective to disseminate their work, organizing courses to help academicians write papers and work with Open Journal Systems (OJS).
In the editorial of this second issue, we consider it essential to send a message of gratitude, recognition, and encouragement to the journal’s readers and authors, so they continue supporting our activities. We would also like to thank the referees, whose efforts enable us to publish quality work: our goal is to share it with the scientific community soon. The members of the Publications Department are fully committed to ensuring that this is done successfully.