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versão impressa ISSN 0797-0374versão On-line ISSN 1688-9339
Odontoestomatología vol.20 no.32 Montevideo dez. 2018

I am grateful for the invitation to write the editorial of Odontoestomatología: a journal that is a source of pride for our institution. From the Courses Academic Department, responsible for guiding and organizing teaching at the School of Dentistry, we consider the journal as a partner in the task of developing highly trained future professionals capable of meeting our population’s oral health needs. This partnership is built during the teaching and learning process, where we pursue the student’s integral development. This journal makes high quality scientific production available, which reflects the national, regional and international reality in Spanish, and encourages students to reflect and to analyze papers critically. Furthermore, Odontoestomatología inspires students to conduct scientific research, showing them that it is possible to investigate in Uruguay. This journal supports professional’s lifelong learning, making it accessible to everyone. Odontoestomatologia is a valuable partner in our daily tasks. Its international presence introduces Uruguay to the world and showcases the dedicated work done by colleagues, thus enhancing our beloved profession.
Director - Courses Academic Committee