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On-line version ISSN 1688-9339
Odontoestomatología vol.16 no.24 Montevideo Nov. 2014
Applicability of the Moyers prediction tables at 75% on Mapuche-Huilliche patients, Chile
Carrasco Marcelo**,
Rioseco Juan*** ,
Bizama Gabriel****,
Fierro Claudia*****
*MA in Pediatric
Dentistry, Associate Professor of Pediatric Dentistry, Facultad de Odontología,
Universidad de Concepción
** Dental Surgeon,
Hospital Quilacahuín, San Pablo, Osorno
*** Dental Surgeon,
Cecof 8 de Mayo, Talcahuano.
**** Dental Surgeon,
CESFAM Los Alamos.
***** Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry, Associate Professor of
Pediatric Dentistry, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción.
Objective. To determine the applicability of the
Moyers prediction tables at 75% on patients from the Mapuche-Huilliche
population, Chile. Materials and
Methods. A descriptive, observational study which evaluated the Moyers
prediction tables at 75% in a Mapuche‑Huilliche population aged between 11 and
17 (25 men and 25 women). The sum of the lower incisors, and the sum of the
canines and premolars of each quadrant was compared with each of the predictive
values. Results. Increased number of
cases in the range from 23.5 mm to 25.2 mm in the sum of lower incisors, which
represent 60% of the sample. The sum of canines and premolars showed in maxilla
a mean of 23.7 mm in men and 23.1 mm in women, and in mandible a mean
of 22.9 mm in men and 22.1 mm in women. A negative discrepancy of 60%
was found in men and of 40% in women. For women, the positive discrepancy
significantly exceeded the negative discrepancies with percentages of 88% and
8%. Conclusions. The Moyers method
at 75% was applicable in maxilla and mandible on Huilliche men, and partially
applicable on women of the same ethnic group.
Keywords: Mapuches, mixed dentition analysis, incisor, Moyers prediction tables.
Received on: 31 Mar 2014 - Accepted on: 24 Aug 2014
The analysis of mixed dentition is a key element of
orthodontic evaluation: it helps to determine the space available for permanent
teeth, and it is also necessary to take decisions in relation to eruption,
serial extractions, space maintenance or recovery, among other things (1–4).
It is argued that the Moyers
prediction tables are the most widely used method to
predict the size of permanent canines and premolars according to their
correlation with the mesio-distal width of lower permanent incisors (5–7). This is the case because the systematic error
is usually minimal, it can be used by beginners and experts with the same level
of reliability, it does not require a complex clinical opinion and it saves
time. It requires no specific equipment or radiographic projections; it can be
used in both arches and, although it is better to apply it on dental models, it
can be used in mouth with reasonable precision (3).
Although the Moyers prediction tables have advantages, they were developed in a
Caucasian population. The application of this method to other ethnic
populations has been studied and also questioned on several occasions (6–9).
The population of Latin America is basically a mixture of
European and indigenous people. Thus, diverse groups live all around the
continent with the anatomic characteristics of each ethnic group (10).
According to the 2002 Census of Chile, 604,349 people in
Chile stated that they belonged to the Mapuche population, approximately 4% of
the total population, and 87.3% of the total indigenous population. They live
mainly in the Araucania Region (33.6%) and in the Metropolitan Region (30.3%),
and in smaller numbers in the regions of Biobío (8.8%), Los Lagos and Los Ríos
(16.7% for the two together). The Region of Los Lagos is the third region of
the country regarding the number of members of the ethnic group. It has a total
of 100,327 individuals, which accounts for 16.6% of the total Mapuche
population. Out of these, 2,121 individuals live in the commune of San Pablo,
which amounts to 21% of the total population there (11,
The aim of this study is to determine the applicability of
the Moyers prediction tables at the 75 percentile confidence level on
the Mapuche-Huilliche population of the rural/coastal area of the Commune of
San Pablo, Province of Osorno, 10th Region, Chile.
and methods
This is a descriptive observational study whose universe is
the indigenous Mapuche-Huilliche population of the coastal area of the Commune
of San Pablo, Osorno, Chile.
We had a convenience sample of 50 patients (25 men and 25
women) aged between 11 and 17, who complied with the following criteria for
At least one of their surnames was of indigenous origin (13,
A complete set of permanent teeth from the first molar to
its contralateral tooth in both maxilla and mandible
No proximal restorations and/or interdental caries
Residence and place of studies in the coastal area of the
The criteria for exclusion were the following:
Foreign surnames
Dental anomalies of size, number and shape
Previous orthodontic treatment
Craniomandibular dysfunctions, fractures and/or attritions
Parents and/or guardians were asked to sign a consent form
so that their children could be included in the study. Additionally, the
consent of the participants was requested before records were taken.
Casts of the maxilla and the mandible were taken using
Jeltrate Orthodontic Chromatic (Dentsply) fast-set alginate and Jeltrate pre-shaped
stainless steel metallic trays. To reduce possible distortions of the
impression material when making the study models, the trays were emptied using
stone cast immediately after the impressions had been taken. The greatest
mesio-distal width of the 4 mandibular incisors and of canines and premolars of
both arches were measured independently using a Dentaurum dental vernier analog
caliper with fine tips (0.1 mm). Three alternate measurements were taken
by the same professional in relation to the other teeth of the arch under
study. The modal value was set as the final value, and the dental caliper was
kept perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth crown and parallel to the
buccal and occlusal surfaces. The procedure was conducted with natural light from
a source located opposite the professional and within the same physical space.
The predictive analysis was conducted using the Moyers prediction tables at the
75 percentile confidence level. The differences between the real dimensions and
the predictive value for the sum of the mesio-distal diameters of canines and
premolars in each quadrant were determined. The following values were
calculated: mean, range, discrepancy between real values and predictive values,
and standard deviation. The real values of the sum of mesio-distal diameters of canines and premolars were compared with the predictive
values of the Moyers tables at 75%.
Student's t-distribution was applied to verify the differences between the
predictive measurements of Moyers 75% and the real values observed, the
following values were obtained: in men, a value p=0.667 in maxilla and p=0.474
in mandible (without statistical significance); and in women, p=0.191 in
maxilla (without statistical significance), and p=0.000 in mandible, where the
difference was statistically significant.
values of the total sum of lower incisors fall within the 23.5 mm to
25.2 mm range, which represent 60% of the sample under study (Fig.1).
1 Frequency of sum of lower incisors values for Mapuche-Huilliche men and
women, Commune of San Pablo, 10th Region.
sum of canines and premolars showed in maxilla a mean of 23.7 mm in men and
23.1 mm in women, and in mandible a mean of 22.9 mm in men and 22.1 mm in
for the discrepancy between the real value of the sum of permanent canines and
premolars and the probability predicted with the Moyers tables at 75%, there
was an overestimation of 58% of the necessary space, that is to say, the sample
studied presented smaller dental sizes than the estimation made following the
Moyers analysis at 75%.
comparing both arches, the mandible was found to have a higher frequency of
overestimation (68%), whereas in maxilla the discrepancy percentage was more
even. When real and predictive values were compared in maxilla in both sexes, a
negative discrepancy of 60% was found in men and of 40% in women. The
distribution in mandible for men was similar regarding positive and negative
discrepancies, unlike in women, where positive discrepancies significantly
exceeded negative discrepancies with percentages of 88% and 8% respectively
(Tables I and II).
In maxilla, the greatest
differences between real and predictive values were observed in the ranges of
1.00 mm to 0.4 mm in men (72%) and of 0.5 mm to 0.9 mm in
women (64%). In mandible, the greatest differences between both values were
observed in the ranges of 1.00 mm to 0.9 mm in men (76%) and of 0.00 mm to
1.4 mm in women (76%).
Many international
studies show different degrees of applicability of the Moyers prediction tables
in a population of Caucasian children of Northern European descent (4) whose
bone and dental morphological characteristics differ greatly from those of the
population of this study. A study from Saudi Arabia
shows an overestimation of the size needed (6) and a study conducted in South
Africa (15) on a black population shows an underestimation of the space needed.
There are also significant differences between real values and Moyers
predictive values in Kenya (16). The variable results of several
international studies show that the extent of applicability of the method
varies in different ethnic groups (17). Therefore, it is suggested that these predictive tables should be
previously validated in a specific population to ensure their clinical
applicability (18–22). The criteria for
inclusion in this study do not include variables such as real crowding, a
history of tooth decay and loss of space in mixed and temporary dentition.
Perhaps they should be considered in further studies to minimize bias.
The high number of individuals of
the Mapuche ethnic group within the population that attends health centers in
the country entails an obligation for health professionals: they must know the
extent to which Western medical analysis and diagnostic methods are reliable
and applicable (11) .
In Chile, models of patients over
12 from Concepción and Antofagasta have been studied. The clinical and
statistical validity of the Moyers prediction tables at 75% was established in
both populations. The Moyers analysis is reliable in both sexes and has a
higher correlation in mandible (23). The results of
this study differ from other findings in Chile, as we have observed a higher
correlation in maxilla and in both sexes, and a significant overestimation in
mandible for women.
The Moyers prediction tables are applicable in maxilla for all the cases of this study. However, in mandible they are not applicable on women given the significant overestimation for canines and premolars according to the Moyers prediction tables at 75%.
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