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vol.13 número2Autocontrol de la agresividad de las usuarias de crack índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Ciencias Psicológicas

versión impresa ISSN 1688-4094versión On-line ISSN 1688-4221

Cienc. Psicol. vol.13 no.2 Montevideo dic. 2019  Epub 01-Dic-2019



Writing in times of change

Lilian R. Daset, Directora del Consejo Editorial

A scientific publication is no stranger to the historical-cultural changes of its environment and its time, so they must be included in their daily lives and we must be able to navigate in them.

Among those changes are those that refer to information and communication technologies, but not exclusively. It is reasonable to think that once a journal becomes part of an online platform the step has been fulfilled and that's it. Reasonable but not real, because that new form is accompanied by others, for example, the continuous publication that becomes so viable in these electronic formats, which directly involves looking at the whole publication in another way, "atomizing" it in each of its manuscripts, because it is well known that it is no longer "this or such a magazine", but the article the object of the search. A very significant change that publishers should consider and on which a transformation of look and rhythm must be made.

This situation of continuous publication makes me think of the rearrangement of our calendars to make it possible. As well as circadian rhythms, lunar cycles, crop cycles, everything that the coordinate time generates in our lives, we must also readjust the publication agendas and be there, all the time.

We are getting closer and closer to these publishing models, for which we always have a hard-working team and willing authors and arbitrators, even in the effort that this entails, to continue communicating science in psychology and adjusting to the imperatives of the new ways of doing.

As with each closing volume we wish you peace for the year that begins and academic and personal achievements.

Lilian R. Daset
Directora del Consejo Editorial

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