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Agrociencia Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 2730-5066
MARMOL, S. et al. Verification of deep root exploration of Eucalyptus grandis to permian sedimentary rocks of northeastern Uruguay. Agrocienc. Urug. [online]. 2022, vol.26, n.nspe1, e508. Epub May 27, 2022. ISSN 2730-5066.
Studies have shown that Eucalyptus spp. plantations develop a rapid and deep root system, reaching almost symmetrical relationships with the aerial part of the trees. In the present work, preliminary information on the deep root development of E. grandis and its interaction with soils, saprolites and rocks in northwestern Uruguay was collected. Starting from a geological base, three deep pits were made, which were classified according to a new saprolite proposal. Chemical and physical analyzes of the profiles, macroscopic descriptions of the roots in situ and microscopic observations (magnifying glass, electron microscopy and anatomical sections) of roots, saprolites and rocks were carried out. The deep root development was corroborated, showing varied and adapted roots that reach up to the rocks, observing indications of different root behaviors according to the different parts of the profile (soil, saprolite or rock). Finally, it is discussed how to focus future studies of the deep root system of E. grandis., the characterization of the saprolite and rock based on this crop, and the possible effects on productive management and the environment.
Keywords : eucalyptus; deep roots; saprolite; rocks; Uruguay.