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Agrociencia Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 2730-5066
PINEIRO, G. et al. Enigmatic wood and first evidence of tetrapods in the Yaguarí Formation (Middle-Late Permian), Uruguay. Agrocienc. Urug. [online]. 2022, vol.26, n.nspe1, e504. Epub May 27, 2022. ISSN 2730-5066.
This article describes an intriguing fossil material recently found in the fine-grained sandstone levels from the upper section of the Yaguarí Formation of Uruguay. The nature of this specimen and its relationships were, initially, not easy to determine with confidence although it was subjected to several analyses, such as morphological and comparative examination complemented with preparation of thin sections and microanatomical and chemical studies under SEM. However, the anatomical structure shown in the performed transversal thin sections allowed solving the issue on the different animal or plant interpretations of the fossil specimen, which was finally discerned in favor of the latter. Therefore, after a detailed comparative study of the thin sections, we concluded that the specimen is a wood fragment related to the Dadoxylon-Araucarioxylon complex. Moreover, in order to provide a better biostratigraphic calibration for these deposits until now devoid of fossils, we include a preliminary description of recently found fossil footprints, which represent the first evidence of the presence of tetrapods in levels of the Yaguarí Formation (sensu Elizalde et al., 1970), below the conglomerates that have yielded the Colonia Orozco Fauna. The footprints were preliminary assigned to the ichnotaxa cf. Karoopes isp, cf. Capitosauroides isp., and cf. Pachypes isp., suggesting the presence of gorgonopsids and therocephalian therapsids and pareiasauromorphs, respectively. The Middle-Late Permian age recently suggested for the Yaguarí Formation based on paleomagnetic and radioisotopic studies is here supported by the described fossils, which thus constitute preliminary but nonetheless relevant discoveries for deposits whose fossiliferous potential has yet to be explored.
Keywords : Dadoxylon-like wood; Karoopes; Capitosauroides and Pachypes-like tracks; paleoenvironments; Yaguarí Formation stratigraphy; Guadalupian-Lopingian boundary; Uruguay.