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Agrociencia Uruguay
On-line version ISSN 2730-5066
FERNANDEZ, G. et al. Effects of different comercial coatings on postharvest citrus fruit quality for export. Agrocienc. Urug. [online]. 2021, vol.25, n.1, e337. Epub June 01, 2021. ISSN 2730-5066.
The use of fruit coatings aims to avoid dehydration, minimize the occurrence of spots in the peel and weight loss as well as extend the postharvest life maintaining fruit appearance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different fruit coatings in fruit quality, weight loss and acetaldehyde and ethanol production in different mandarin and orange varieties, during postharvest storage. With that aim, fruits of different varieties, with or without degreening and with postharvest fungicide treatment, were treated in experimental conditions with the commercial coatings Brillaqua ue-Mercosur and uej-Mercosur, Citrosol aue and Sunseal, and Concentrol ac36, repeating the evaluation of the more promising treatments in commercial conditions together with Brillaqua uef6-Mercosur, Citrosol akue y Tecnidex Teycer-glk. In both experiments, fruit was stored for 6 weeks at 1±0.5 ºC plus 7 days at room temperature simulating shelf life. External and internal quality were evaluated at different moments during storage. None of the treatments affected fruit firmness, external or internal quality negatively compared with the commercial control briue. The most promising treatments for their application in citrus postharvest and storage at 1 ºC were Brillaqua uef6-Mercosur, Citrosol akue y Tecnidex Teycer-glk, showing an acceptable brightness level, good appearance and superior quality. Concentrol ac36 y Citrosol aue were not discarded as alternatives since they presented acceptable brightness, appearance and acetaldehyde and ethanol levels after storage.
Keywords : storage; wax; citrus; postharvest.