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vol.9 issue2Recalibrating expectations. Interview with María Nieves Colón (University of Minnesota, USA)Towards an un-disciplining of anthropological practice and theory. Interview with Cristóbal Gnecco (Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia) author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Uruguaya de Antropología y Etnografía

Print version ISSN 2393-7068On-line version ISSN 2393-6886


YANEZ, Bernardo; MENENDEZ, Lumila Paula  and  FIGUEIRO, Gonzalo. A critical look to the relationships among global North and South biological anthropologists. Interview with Lorena Madrigal (University of South Florida, United States). Rev. urug. Antropología y Etnografía [online]. 2024, vol.9, n.2, e110.  Epub Dec 01, 2024. ISSN 2393-7068.

In this talk, Lorena Madrigal shares her reflections on how researchers from the global North engage with their counterparts in the global South, particularly regarding bioanthropological studies. For this, she uses Aleš Hrdlička's practices in the early 20th century as an emblematic example. Madrigal discusses her dissatisfaction with the disparities in how scientists from northern universities and countries are recognized compared to local researchers, such as in scientific news and other science communication platforms. She delves into the evolutionary focus of these research practices, contrasting them with biomedical approaches. Finally, she offers suggestions for Latin American biological anthropologists, especially the Latin American Association of Biological Anthropology, on establishing better organizational processes and fostering connections with scientific societies or institutions at the local level and with the global north.

Keywords : fertility; genetization; Latin America; microevolutionary processes.

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