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vol.9 número2Reflexiones en torno al sistema mundo de la antropología en el siglo XXI; una mirada latinoamericana. Entrevista a Gustavo Lins Ribeiro (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Lerma, CDMX, México)Una mirada crítica a las relaciones entre antropólogos biológicos del Norte y Sur global. Entrevista a Lorena Madrigal (Universidad del Sur de Florida, Estados Unidos) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Uruguaya de Antropología y Etnografía

versión impresa ISSN 2393-7068versión On-line ISSN 2393-6886


FIGUEIRO, Gonzalo; MENENDEZ, Lumila Paula  y  YANEZ, Bernardo. Recalibrating expectations. Interview with María Nieves Colón (University of Minnesota, USA). Rev. urug. Antropología y Etnografía [online]. 2024, vol.9, n.2, e109.  Epub 01-Dic-2024. ISSN 2393-7068.

We talked with María Nieves Colón about coloniality and geopolitical asymmetries in anthropological practice, as well as about her passage through a variety of academic environments and her views on current ethical discussions in the field of ancient DNA. A main thread of the conversation was her Puerto Rican nationality, and the imprint this leaves on her perspective on the original colonial project of anthropology, the importance of government investment in science and technology, data sovereignty, and the realities of pursuing an academic career in the Global North as a citizen of the South. Finally, she reflected on how research in genetics and genomics has influenced narratives about the pre-Hispanic and colonial past in Puerto Rico and on how efforts to reduce geopolitical asymmetries must have goals and expectations that are based on adequate knowledge of the realities of everyday life for subjects in the periphery.

Palabras clave : coloniality; Latin America; genetics and genomics.

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