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Revista Uruguaya de Antropología y Etnografía
versão impressa ISSN 2393-7068versão On-line ISSN 2393-6886
ECHEGOYEMBERRY, N.. Identity, gender and Human Rights: The role of women in the care of "the common house" (environment). Rev. urug. Antropología y Etnografía [online]. 2017, vol.2, n.1, pp.55-70. ISSN 2393-7068.
This article proposes to rethink from the perspective of gender and Human Rights the role of women in the care of the "common house" (environment). Currently, discursively proposes and prescribes the role called to be fulfilled by "women" in the mitigation of environmental problems and conflicts, environmental sustainability and climate change. These roles should be at least problematized as they impact on individual and collective identity processes, perpetuate gender stereotypes and prejudices, at the expense of women's basic rights. Appearing these in certain environmental discourses and in the strategies that the States implement as an essential resource for the environment, (de) thus limiting an identity and a citizenship. However, women continue to be limited in their ability to access and governance of natural resources, land ownership, financial resources, obtaining formal jobs, without social protection, without parity of conditions, limited access to Justice as a right and as a means of channeling other rights. There is a gap between the discursively prescribed ideal and the conditions of possibility.
Palavras-chave : Gender perspective; Human rights; citizenship; identity; common goods; governance.