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Revista Uruguaya de Antropología y Etnografía
versão impressa ISSN 2393-7068versão On-line ISSN 2393-6886
GREEN, Linda. Mayan women: from genocide to ethnocide. Rev. urug. Antropología y Etnografía [online]. 2016, vol.1, n.2, pp.53-62. ISSN 2393-7068.
The aim of this essay is to connect two aspects of the Guatemala Mayan women’s situation on rural areas. In the first place, the sequels left by the counter insurgency war, which started an intense brutality in the 1970’s up to the signing of the peace convention of 1996 between the Guatemala government, the military high command and the revolutionary group Unidos Revolucionario Guatemalteco Nacional (URNG). A United Nations commission described several massacres against Mayan women as genocide3. In second place, I relate the continuation of past state violence on new forms that affect the living circumstances of ten thousand Mayan women and their children, pushing some of them to migrate out of Guatemala in search of a way to survive. More thousands have recently fled, trying to save their lives, and facing the violence in their country, have sought refuge in the USA. Today’s reality in Guatemala is “the peace”, which means “another name for violence” because it continues under new appearances and, after twenty years, a social crisis rose.
Palavras-chave : Mayan women; genocide; state violence; Guatemala.