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Revista Uruguaya de Medicina Interna
versión impresa ISSN 2393-6797versión On-line ISSN 2393-6797
ROSTAN, Sofía; SMILIANSKY, Natasha y VAUCHER, Andrea. Influenza A H1N1 Cardiomyopathy. Report of a clinical case. Rev. Urug. Med. Int. [online]. 2020, vol.5, n.3, pp.26-30. Epub 01-Dic-2020. ISSN 2393-6797.
Myocarditis is an inflammatory myocardial disease secondary to autoimmune, toxic, and infectious diseases. Among the latter, virals are the most frequent. However, influenza A H1N1 virus remains a poorly reported etiology. The prevalence of fulminant myocarditis due to seasonal influenza has been established between 1 and 11% according to the diagnostic criteria used, and the prevalence of myocarditis caused by H1N1 is estimated at 13%. We report a clinical case, of a young patient, where a retrospective diagnosis of H1N1 Influenza A myocarditis was made with a presentation of fulminant myocarditis, with suggestive electrocardiographic abnormalities, positive cardiac troponins, loss of ventricular function with subsequent recovery, and microbiological isolation of the causal agent.
Palabras clave : myocarditis; Influenza A H1N1.