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Revista Uruguaya de Medicina Interna
versión impresa ISSN 2393-6797versión On-line ISSN 2393-6797
CECILIA, Cecilia et al. Assessing assistance quality and degree of patient satisfaction at a Breast Teaching and Care Unit at Hospital de Clinicas"Dr. Manuel Quintela". Rev. Urug. Med. Int. [online]. 2018, vol.3, n.1, pp.23-29. ISSN 2393-6797.
During the last years, assessing the degree of patient satisfaction of health services has become extremely important; and it is more often associated to the results obtained in terms of health. The degree of patient satisfaction plays a significant role in fostering the use of health care services, in developing the physician-patient relationship and in adhering to indicated treatments.
To find out the degree of patient satisfaction at the Breast Teaching and Care Unit at Hospital de Clinicas and identify aspects that need improving.
Materials and methods:
prospective study, approved by the ethics committee of Hospital de Clinicas, where an anonymous satisfaction survey, with 1 open and 13 closed questions, was conducted. The survey also included data related to the age and oncological treatment received.
Over two months, 91 assisting patients were interviewed. Responses show a high degree of satisfaction of patients with the global care received, with a mean score of 3.26 (CI 95 % 3.18-3.34) (range: 1: poor; 5: excellent), regardless of age group and the type of oncological treatment received. However, 38.5 % of working patients believe that they were not able to discuss the impact of their disease at their jobs (mean 1.82; CC 95% 1.66-1.97) (range: 0: not at all; 3: as much as I wanted) and 27 % of patients consider that they were not able to discuss the impact of their disease on their daily activities (mean 2.13; CI 95 % 2.12 - 2.14) (range: 0: not at all; 3: as much as I wanted) or their personal relations (27; 30 %, mean 2.0 CI 95 % 1.93-2.2) (range: 0: not at all; 3: as much as I wanted).
The global score is very satisfactory, and there are aspects to be improved, such as a better communication on the impact of the disease on daily activities, personal relations and work. We believe it is important to implement regular assessments of assistance quality that may enable to compare results and develop a continuous improvement process.
Palabras clave : surveys; satisfaction; breast cancer.