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Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados

versão impressa ISSN 1688-8375versão On-line ISSN 2393-6606


MEIRA GONCALVES, Sónia Cristina  e  GOMES DO CARMO, Tânia Isabel. Implications of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Health Management: Review. Enfermería (Montevideo) [online]. 2022, vol.11, n.1, e2746.  Epub 01-Jun-2022. ISSN 1688-8375.


Describe the scientific evidence of the implications Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) in health management.


Systematic review in electronic database using DeCs descriptors.


Thirteen articles were analyzed, resulting in ten categories of analysis. HAIs contribute to higher mortality rate and financial costs of hospitalization related to higher: average number of days of hospitalizations; increased spending on antimicrobials, diagnostic and complementary tests and invasive devices or procedures; length of hospital stay in intensive care units (ICU); possibility of readmission and development of other complications.


HAIs have direct and indirect repercussions on patients’ lives as they represent a threat to the safety and quality of care. Prevention programs and infection control measures are considered effective in reducing the incidence rate of HAIs and consequently in reducing costs.

Palavras-chave : hospital-acquired infections; health management; health care costs.

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