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Enfermería: Cuidados Humanizados
Print version ISSN 1688-8375On-line version ISSN 2393-6606
CASTILLO PARRA, Silvana del Carmen et al. Nursing perception regarding the attention given in hospitals to patients that live with HIV. Enfermería (Montevideo) [online]. 2018, vol.7, n.2, pp.36-62. ISSN 1688-8375.
Given the epidemiological context in Chile concerning the increased quantities of people with HIV, improving the care given to these patients becomes relevant.
The objective of this research is to find about the perception of nurses concerning the care given to people living with HIV (PLHIV) in a tertiary health care hospital service, seeking to contribute to nursing improvements. In order to accomplish this task a qualitative research paradigm was used as a type of case study, collecting the information with a semi-structured interview, ending with a semiotic analysis of the discourse. It was pointed out that in the first sessions there is some fear generated in the attention to PLHIV, which gradually disappears with the increase of the professional’s knowledge. Participating nurses referred to the lack of differences in care between PLHIV and other patients, evidencing an incongruence between the speech and the action by taking greater precautions when performing procedures for PLHIV. The strengths identified in the attention to PLHIV were the no discrimination to these patients, the ability to face different contexts of attention and the procedural skills, among others, while aspects to improvement in care were linked to the relationship that is generated with PLHIV and their families. In conclusion, nurses do not make noticeable distinctions in the care of PLVIH. It is important that professionals recognize their skills and the aspects that can be improved in order to continue humanizing the attention to PLHIV, acting as educators and agents of change.
Keywords : HIV; Nursing; Nurses; Perception; Nurse-Patient Relations; Health Care..