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Revista de Derecho (Universidad Católica Dámaso A. Larrañaga, Facultad de Derecho)

versión impresa ISSN 1510-3714versión On-line ISSN 2393-6193


MOGLIA MARINAS, Bruno. Freedom of expression and democracy in Granier et al. vs. Venezuela. Rev. Derecho [online]. 2022, n.25, pp.150-173.  Epub 01-Jun-2022. ISSN 1510-3714.

This jurisprudential analysis focuses on freedom of expression, specifically, its treatment in the judgment Granier et al. v. Venezuela of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. This right is studied because it is a fundamental mainstay of democratic and plural societies. It presents a descriptive structure, providing a brief and direct exposition of the facts of the case, looking at the reasoning of the arguments put forward by the parties and the statements specified by the Court. Different indicators allow obtaining an approximation to the social and political context, both Venezuelan and regional. The analysis leads to a hypothesis on the importance of human rights protection systems and inter-state bodies, as they are directly proportional to the quality and adherence of nations to democratic values.

Palabras clave : human rights; democracy; freedom of expression; Venezuela; media.

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