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Revista de Derecho (Universidad Católica Dámaso A. Larrañaga, Facultad de Derecho)

versión impresa ISSN 1510-3714versión On-line ISSN 2393-6193


RODRIGUES, Catarina. Mediation. An answer to the new paradigm of Law?. Rev. Derecho [online]. 2017, n.15, pp.243-256. ISSN 1510-3714.

We propose to reflect on the role of the mediation towards the changes of the society of our days. The subject offers particular importance in our opinion, given that it leads us to postulating the need that the Law and the Justice adapt themselves to the continuous social transformations offering an innovative way of undertaking the inevitable juridical conflicts. We believe that the mediation, despite the difficulties of implementation which it faces, will manage to settle little by little turning into the way of doing justice that allows, not only one major proximity between the State and its citizens, but also a new way of making Law a new paradigm in which the citizens feel truly integrated.

Palabras clave : new paradigm; new law; mediation; justice.

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