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Revista de Derecho (Universidad Católica Dámaso A. Larrañaga, Facultad de Derecho)
versión impresa ISSN 1510-3714versión On-line ISSN 2393-6193
CONTRERAS, Sebastián y MIRANDA, Alejandro. Alms and Obligation to Help the Poor in the Jesuit School of the Golden Age: Francisco de Toledo, Juan de Mariana, Francisco Suárez and Juan de Lugo. Rev. Derecho [online]. 2017, n.15, pp.31-48. ISSN 1510-3714.
This paper is a study of the scope of the obligation to help the needy in four Jesuit authors of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: Toledo, Mariana, Suárez and Lugo. The text intends to show what criteria these authors use to determine the cases in which the aid to the needy becomes a strict obligation of justice.
Palabras clave : alms; necessity; jesuits; Golden Age.