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Humanidades (Montevideo. En línea)

versión impresa ISSN 1510-5024versión On-line ISSN 2301-1629


CAPASSO, Verónica. Socio-environmental demands and visuality in Latin America: the case of Agitazo por los humedales (Argentina). Humanidades (Montevideo. En línea) [online]. 2023, n.13, pp.137-166.  Epub 01-Jun-2023. ISSN 1510-5024.

This paper analyzes the visual actions in the public space of Agitazo por los humedales, a collaborative action of visibility for the protection of wetlands in the Paraná Delta area (Argentina). This case denounces, since June 2020, intentional fires in areas that have been sacrificed for a long time and thematizes causes, consequences and those responsible for the advance of the fire. The article is based on a qualitative and transdisciplinary methodology, based on the analysis of a case and analysis of written and visual documentary sources. In the first place, the paper describes the context of emergence, modalities of action and type of visual production of the case. A description and an iconographic analysis are made for the images. Second, the damage to the affected flora, fauna and human communities is shown. Also, those responsible for the fires that appear referred to in the images. Finally, a reflection is made on the use of repertoires of visual action in the context of social demands, in this case, of a socio-environmental type.

Palabras clave : visuality; ecocide; fire; sacrifice zones; damage; antagonist.

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