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Humanidades (Montevideo. En línea)
versión impresa ISSN 1510-5024versión On-line ISSN 2301-1629
ROSA, Sofía. Nicanor Parra’s eco-poetry as a space of diss. Humanidades (Montevideo. En línea) [online]. 2019, n.6, pp.199-226. Epub 01-Dic-2019. ISSN 1510-5024.
In Chile, since the fifties, we start to note a developing trend of ecologist poets and writers denouncing the predatory model of economic growth, calling for collective action. The publication Ecopoemas by the Chilean poet Nicanor Parra in 1982 became a milestone that recovers the environmental thinking of several previous authors while proposing new ethical-aesthetic paradigms capable of articulating dissenting subjectivities in the three ecological registers (Guattari).
With this work, I intend to study ecopoems as an agonist space of dissent. The work focuses on exploring how Nicanor Parra’s ecopoetry configures performativity and affectivity of political dissent. First, I analyze ecology as a discourse of resistance installed politically and aesthetically as oppositional in Parra’s poems; second, I describe how this discourse configures an ecocentric us in which new actors will be able to produce affections and gestures of political dissent with the promise of collective action. Finally, I consider the validity of Parra’s ecopoetry in the context of Latin American Political Ecology.
Palabras clave : Nicanor Parra; ecopoesía; agonismo; conflicto ecológico; antropoceno.