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vol.20 issue2Postharvest Quality Evaluation of Feijoa Fruits (Acca sellowiana (Berg) Burret)Characterization of the Reproductive Behavior of Two New Mandarin Hybrids author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Agrociencia (Uruguay)

Print version ISSN 1510-0839On-line version ISSN 2301-1548


GRAVINA, Alfredo; GAMBETTA, Guiliana; REY, Florencia  and  GUIMARAES, Natalia. Improvement of ‘Afourer’ Mandarin Productivity in Isolation of Cross-Pollination. Agrociencia Uruguay [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.2, pp.22-28. ISSN 1510-0839.

Afourer’ mandarin is the first patented citrus cultivar introduced to Uruguay. Besides its excellent organoleptic characteristics, the ability to produce seedless fruit in the absence of cross-pollination is one of its main attributes. In Uruguay, bee-proof nets covering trees result in reduction of seed presence, but in some cases fruit set and yield are significantly reduced. With the objective of increasing tree productivity while avoiding bee’s pollination, treatments of gibberellic acid (GA3 50 mg L-1) at full bloom, trunk girdling 30 days after full bloom, and their combination, were applied in two orchards located in San José (Uruguay, 35 ºSL). GA3 application combined with girdling consistently increased fruit number and yield per tree, while the individual treatments had varying responses. In the experiments, 95 % and 96 % of the fruit were seedless; fruit juice content, and juice total soluble solids and acidity were not modified by the treatments.


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