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Anales de Investigación en Arquitectura

versión impresa ISSN 2301-1505versión On-line ISSN 2301-1513


BARBERO, Dante Andrés; URTENECHE, Emilia  y  MARTINI, Irene. Methodology for the comparative study of technological-constructive proposals aimed at improving the energy efficiency of building envelopes. An. Investig. Arquit. [online]. 2024, vol.14, n.2, e205.  Epub 01-Dic-2024. ISSN 2301-1505.

This work presents a methodology based on a multi-criteria approach aimed at evaluating building recycling strategies based on technological proposals that consider technical and economic qualities within the framework (of the guidelines) of passive design. This approach requires a prior diagnosis of the basic technological-construction situation of the building constructed, and the identification of design variables with the greatest impact on energy savings and improvement of habitability both in the entire establishment and in specific areas. Once the energy efficiency aspects of the envelope have been evaluated, alternatives for the incorporation of renewable energies are similarly evaluated. Finally, an example of the application of the methodology to improve the energy efficiency of the envelope of a building in the health sector is shown, but it could be applied in a similar way in other building sectors (e.g., residential, commercial, etc.). The systematized recycling of existing buildings, based on passive technological proposals supported by a multi-criteria selection methodology that allows evaluating their technical and economic qualities, represents a viable alternative to intervene in the envelope of buildings and their construction systems.

Palabras clave : Building envelope; energy efficiency; energy savings; renewable energies; multi-criteria evaluation; rational use of energy; comparison; analysis; energy consumption; source replacement.

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