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Anales de Investigación en Arquitectura
versión impresa ISSN 2301-1505versión On-line ISSN 2301-1513
LONGONI, Lucas Emilio; GREGORIC, Alejandro; LABRA, Claudio Sebastián y CARRANZA, Martin. Dirigisme and Self-construction. The ATEPAM program and the debates during the presidency of Hilario Zalba at the Housing Institute of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina (1958-1962). An. Investig. Arquit. [online]. 2023, vol.13, n.2, e204. Epub 01-Dic-2023. ISSN 2301-1505.
With the end of the Second World War, the logic of territorial planning spread in Latin America, stimulated from the United States through hemispheric centers and entities that disseminated technical assistance programs. Added to this phenomenon, was the crisis of the so-called “national models”, accompanied by rapid population growth and the development of conurbations as a result of rural-urban migration, which highlighted the growing housing problem. The housing deficit exceeded the "key on hand" housing solutions, characteristic of previous decades, and in this context, the self-build model was proposed as an alternative solution.
Within the framework of the continental debates around the problem of mass housing at the end of the 1950s, the article provides an approach to the programs on self-construction and technical assistance introduced in the recently created Housing Institute of the Province of Buenos Aires (IVBA), chaired by Hilario Zalba since 1958. The entity was inserted into the contemporary disciplinary debate carrying out policies that would mean a displacement of the "director" role of the argentine State, towards participatory and "decentralized" processes, the promotion of private initiative and the industrialization of construction.
Palabras clave : Self-construction; management; planning; ATEPAM; Hilario Zalba; Alliance for Progress; industrialization; State; participation; housing; Province of Buenos Aires Housing Institute; Argentina.