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Anales de Investigación en Arquitectura
versión impresa ISSN 2301-1505versión On-line ISSN 2301-1513
LLORCA VEGA, Nestor y CORDOVA VILLACRES, Lenin. Complex thinking as an architectural project approach. Case study of the Science and Technology Museum project in Parque La Carolina, Quito- Ecuador. An. Investig. Arquit. [online]. 2021, vol.11, n.2, e302. Epub 01-Dic-2021. ISSN 2301-1505.
This article presents a methodology for approaching the architectural project based on Edgar Morin's “Complex Thought” proposal. The inclusion of inputs for project strategies is used through non-hierarchical matrices, which include the concepts of livelihoods, management models, parametric software and prospective thinking as structuring systems, and they are verified from three scales : 1) the neighborhood that generates the interactions of the building with an urban role, 2) that of the building itself from its form and therefore the language it represents, and 3) of use, in which it is evident that the space generated is useful for the activity that must be fulfilled. The project "Museum of Science and Technology in Parque La Carolina, Quito" is used as a case study, the result of a master's thesis that focuses on the search for the role of architecture in the contemporary condition.
Palabras clave : Architecture and complex thinking; livelihoods; prospective thinking; non-hierarchical matrices.