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Anales de la Facultad de Medicina

On-line version ISSN 2301-1254


BRIOZZO, Leonel; FIOL, Verónica  and  BANDEIRA, Elisa. Incorporating environmental bioethics to maternal perinatal care to reduce the risks of pan-syndemic in the reproductive process. Anfamed [online]. 2022, vol.9, n.2, e501.  Epub Dec 01, 2022. ISSN 2301-1254.


Until now, the bioethical approach to maternal perinatal care is projected from the integral vision of bio-psycho-social health, the perspective of Human Rights and the gender perspective.

In general, environmental bioethics, which arises from the perspective of environmental health has not been incorporated into maternal-perinatal care with global ethics, the perspective of consilience, the right to a healthy environment and environmental ethics.

The current global crisis situation due to the combination of the COVID 19 Pandemic and the Global Syndemic, characterized as Pan Syndemic, increases the risks and damages in the reproductive process, especially in populations violated in their rights.


It is necessary to minimize the effect of the Pan Syndemic on the human reproductive process. On the global agenda, humanity must reverse the causes of the Pan Syndemic. Meanwhile, health professionals and teams must reformulate their role when it comes to maternal-perinatal care, incorporating into the clinic the right to a healthy environment for reproduction.


Modifications in the clinical practice of sexual and reproductive health teams should be aimed at: incorporate environmental bioethics into maternal perinatal care from training to clinical practice; develop a comprehensive approach to major perinatal obstetric syndromes, prematurity and fetal growth restriction, to minimize the impact of the Pan Syndemic on the human reproductive process.

Keywords : Clinical Ethics; COVID-19; Environmental Ethics; Maternal health; Perinatal health.

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