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Anales de la Facultad de Medicina
On-line version ISSN 2301-1254
STOLOVAS, Nurit et al. Mesothelioma and occupation. Review of cases in Uruguay: 2002-2014. Anfamed [online]. 2021, vol.8, n.2, e202. Epub Dec 01, 2021. ISSN 2301-1254.
Mesothelioma is considered in the industrialized world as a consequence of occupational exposure to asbestos fibers - asbestos. At the country level it is considered an occupational disease. The objective was to know and describe cases of mesothelioma notified in Uruguay between the years 2002 and 2014, with emphasis on aspects of occupational exposure. The present work corresponds to a retrospective descriptive study, from the reported cases medical records were recreated linking with data from healthcare services. Sources of asbestos exposure were identified in different occupations and industries in the country. Results: 122 cases were notified. The medical history was accessed in one third (47/122). The occupation data was only in 27/47, in 3/47 the exposure to asbestos / asbestos was specified. The productive sectors identified mainly corresponded to transportation, metallurgy, construction and cleaning. Insufficient registration of occupation and employment history was evidenced. This work information is essential to establish the causal link between the exposure under study and the occupational disease condition. The severity of the disease and knowledge of the risk derived from exposure occupational, justify the development of occupation health policies. It is necessary to strengthen the training of health professionals on the importance of work as a determinant of the health - disease process.
Keywords : mesothelioma; asbestos; occupational exposure; occupation; occupational health..