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Anales de la Facultad de Medicina

versión On-line ISSN 2301-1254


GABRIELA, Vigil Bastitta et al. José Verocay, "Prague’s Pathologist" (1876-1927). Anfamed [online]. 2018, vol.5, n.1, pp.131-151.  Epub 01-Jun-2018. ISSN 2301-1254.

José Verocay (Paysandú 1876-Teplitz Bohemia 1927) was an Uruguayan pathologist of international recognition. In 1910 he described for the first time the structures that were later named "Verocay’s bodies", considered of fundamental importance in the diagnosis of schwannoma (also present in other pathologies). His personal and scientific training was carried out in Europe at the University Carolina in Prague, culminating with the maximum academic position, Privat Dozent (1910). After his exile, in 1919, he returned to Uruguay where he obtained the position of Professor of Pathological Anatomy at the School of Dentistry (1925). That year he aspired to the position of Professor of Pathological Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine, a position which he did not get, generating a great controversy between doctors and students. In 1927 due to the deterioration of his health, he decided to travel to Vienna looking after his cure. In Uruguay a public tribute was made by the initiative of the students of dentistry, it took place in the Hall of Acts of the Faculty of Medicine, where, in those years, the future odontologists were educated. There, the students themselves proclaimed him "Master of the current medical generation", "Professor in his own right Medical Youth". He passed away in Eichwald, Teplitz district in Bohemia, in 1927 at the age of 51. This article seeks to be a brief review of his academic career in Uruguay and in the world.

Palabras clave : Schwannoma; Verocay’s bodies; Verocay; dentistry; anatomopathology..

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