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vol.4 número2Apendicetomía no terapéutica: Revisión de 1 año en el Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell, Montevideo, UruguayDesempeño académico estudiantil en el tramo inicial de la carrera de Doctor en Medicina de la Universidad de la República índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Anales de la Facultad de Medicina

versión On-line ISSN 2301-1254


CHINELLI, Javier; OLIVERA, Eduardo  y  RODRIGUEZ, Gustavo. Foreign body. Case analysis and prevention strategies. Anfamed [online]. 2017, vol.4, n.2, pp.21-38. ISSN 2301-1254.


Retained foreign items are infrequent but can generate serious morbidity. Although some risk factors have been recognized and complementary detection systems developed, it continues to be a major problem from a health and medical legal point of view.


to examine a case study at Hospital Maciel, focusing on clinical presentation and complications.

Patients and methods:

7 patients treated at the General Surgery and Urology Departments in Hospital Maciel, between 2013-2016. The main results analized are clinical presentation and complications, as well as the presence of recongnized risk factors.


In all patients, the foreign bodies were compresses. In 2 cases the foreign body did not elicit symptoms whereas in 4 cases it did. In the latter, 2 had an early and a late presentation. The material count was incorrect in only one case. No patient died from the resulting complications


Because retained surgical ítems will be a problem as long as surgical procedures are performed, it is necessary to emphasize on a systematic approach accompanied by complementary diagnostic tools that are also available in cases of item miscount.


Risk factors were present almost without exception in our casuistry. Also, the incidence seems to be higher than that reported in the literature.

Palabras clave : oblitoma; textiloma; gossypiboma.

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