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Revista de la Facultad de Derecho

Print version ISSN 0797-8316On-line version ISSN 2301-0665


BUSQUETS, José Miguel  and  SARLO, Óscar. Comparison as a strategy for the study of the State in Uruguay: origin and development. Rev. Fac. Der. [online]. 2024, n.57, e103.  Epub June 01, 2024. ISSN 0797-8316.

In this paper we compare the use of the comparative method in constitutional law and in political science. To do this, we have reconstructed the development of both disciplines around the academic study of the State, since its emergence in the Faculty of Law in the 19th century, and its gradual complexity due to the progressive autonomization of political science starting in the first half of the 20th century. This itinerary allowed us to appreciate the laborious process of construction and mutation of a field of study in the social sciences, in connection with different historical contexts.

Keywords : Uruguayan State; comparative method; Constitutional Law; comparative politics.

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