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Revista de la Facultad de Derecho

Print version ISSN 0797-8316On-line version ISSN 2301-0665


PEREZ RAGONE, Álvaro. A Contribution for Teaching Law of Evidence: Collaborative Method Induced by the Socratic Dialogue. Rev. Fac. Der. [online]. 2018, n.45, pp.262-291. ISSN 0797-8316.

The Socratic teaching-learning method is still valid - and the most recent research shows it - provided that it is complementary to other methodologies. In this case it is the collaborative learning empirically applied successfully in teaching with active methodologies to teach the Law of Evidence in a undergraduate course. With the combined use of Socratic dialogue and collaborative strategies, the student's distraction is taken advantage of him and make him participate in his group and in the class. In the collaborative learning the orientation (not imposition) comes from the student and the peers, the teacher does not give the answer, but it guides towards it and that is the plus that grants the Socratic or induced to the teaching-learning between pairs. The Socratic method in the collaborative framework has been rediscovered and shows effectiveness. Especially in the teaching of law the discussions around it are very valuable and the discussion about its application as an exclusive methodology is still valid. This is a contribution to diversify the teaching methods of the Law that is not limited only to the law, its knowledge and application, it exceeds it and it includes aspects of the student that can be better incentivized.

Keywords : teaching; evidence law; Socratic collaborative learning.

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