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Revista de la Facultad de Derecho

Print version ISSN 0797-8316On-line version ISSN 2301-0665


BAILO, Gonzalo L.. Regulating Nanotechnologies in Argentina. About Polysemy and Instability of Nano-Objects. Rev. Fac. Der. [online]. 2018, n.45, pp.45-93. ISSN 0797-8316.

This paper is framed in the area of Science and Technology Studies (STS) that studies the relationships between law, democracy and nanotechnologies. It is analyzed nanotechnologies regulatory experience in Argentina between 2001-2017 by tracing and processing national bills, institutional initiatives and expert discourses committed on the coproduction of a “nano” scientific-legal knowledge. It is identified two major phases. The first phase (2001-2006) leads to the creation by decree of the Argentinian Nanotechnology Foundation (FAN) and includes several critics about it. The second phase (2007-present) begins with the creation of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Ministry (MINCyT) and adopts a “nano” governance model that combines expert institutionalism with the implementation of global standardization regulation. It is concluded that the instability and polysemic character of nano-objects repositions various types of knowledge as mediators of regulatory and institutional models. This paper aims to contribute: a) in general, to current discussions about the legal modes of stabilizing controversial objects; b) in particular, to describe how legal actors visualize nano-objects in Argentina.

Keywords : science and technology studies (STS); law and nanotechnologies; nanotechnologies in Argentina; nano-objects; controversial objects regulation.

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