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Revista de la Facultad de Derecho

versión impresa ISSN 0797-8316versión On-line ISSN 2301-0665


AGUERRE, María Luisa. A Reflection About the Concept of Totalitarianism. Rev. Fac. Der. [online]. 2018, n.45, pp.1-44. ISSN 0797-8316.

This paper aims to justify the concept of “Totalitarianism” to designate the most violent and criminal regimes of the Twentieth Century: Stalinism and Nazism. Its critics have denied that this concept can be applied to the period of government of Stalin in Soviet Union, with the justification that violence was necessary for the industrialization and progress of that country. We consider that the identities between National Socialism and Bolshevik Communism are much greater than their differences and therefore justify the use of the term “Totalitarianism” to allude to both regimes. In the end, the version discussed I the exposed by the Italian historian Enzo Traverso in his book “Totalitarianism”.

Palabras clave : Totalitarianism; Racism; Anti-Liberalism; Anti Capitalism; Myths; Imperialistic Expansionism.

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