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Revista Uruguaya de Enfermería (En línea)
versión On-line ISSN 2301-0371
SBARBARO ROMERO, Milton y AYUP FERDINAND, Elisa. The right to health at the border: a critical analysis. Revista urug. enferm. (En línea) [online]. 2024, vol.19, n.1, e401. Epub 01-Dic-2024. ISSN 2301-0371.
The United Nations has made a universal call with the purpose of contributing to the elimination of poverty, balancing social, economic and environmental sustainability by 2023, in particular it aims to achieve universal health coverage and access to health services. quality essential health care.
These objectives are aligned with the principles of Alma Ata of 78 and Astana of 2018 and are included by the Uruguayan health system. In this article we aim to carry out a critical analysis of its scope, for which we will work with three investigations carried out in a network of public polyclinics in Uruguay in the border area with Brazil, analyzing them in light of national and international regulations on access to health services.
Throughout it we will go through norms, laws, different experiences and authors who question definitions and practice, evidencing the contradictions between definitions of principles and political definitions, between guaranteeing the right to health or the commercialization of health. sanitary system. This was evident in the large differences in access to health services between users of the public subsector and the private subsector, among other gaps in access to health services.
One of the conclusions of the article reinforces the idea that health is a historical product in permanent change, dialectically linked to the needs of people and in contradiction with the interests of companies, this particularity generates a space of permanent struggle where States must assume a stronger role in defending health as a fundamental human right.
Palabras clave : Right to Health; Universal Access to Health Care Services; Vulnerable Populations; Uruguay..