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Revista Uruguaya de Enfermería (En línea)

versión On-line ISSN 2301-0371


RIVAS RIVEROS, Edith et al. Psychosocial footprint of COVID-19 in nurses from 4 South American countries, year 2021-2022: learning and challenges. Revista urug. enferm. (En línea) [online]. 2024, vol.19, n.1, e205.  Epub 01-Dic-2024. ISSN 2301-0371.


to determine the psychosocial footprint of the COVID-19 pandemic in nurses from 4 South American countries, 2021-2022.


cross-sectional study, in a sample of 279 nurses: Colombian (86), Paraguayan (68), Mexican (54) and Chilean (71), who met the inclusion criteria. Duke-UNC scales were applied to assess received and confidential social support; The Medical Outcomes Study-Social Support Survey (MOS) questionnaire to assess social support and the psychosocial interaction variables (VIP) questionnaire.


both good confidential and affective support were associated with the variables of living with two or more people, belonging to a religion, and working in a unit with patients. Medication consumption was significantly lower in the group with good confidential and affective support, (p=0.012).


the execution of the professional role of the nurse is known to be of high quality, and with outstanding responsibility, especially in the SAR pandemic. COVID 19. However, residual physical and emotional traces can be seen in nursing professionals.

Palabras clave : COVID-19; Nursing Staff; Nurse-Patient Relations; Professional Burnout.

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