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Revista Uruguaya de Enfermería (En línea)
versión On-line ISSN 2301-0371
DOTTI, Gabriela. Mental health in Uruguay:. Revista urug. enferm. (En línea) [online]. 2024, vol.19, n.1, e200. Epub 01-Dic-2024. ISSN 2301-0371.
This article is the result of a press documentary review on the current situation regarding mental health in Uruguay since the implementation of Law 19.529. The texts taken into consideration were published between January 2022 and December 2023. Taking as eligibility criteria, the publications that reported about the reality of population with mental illnesses in the national territory. The investigation was carried out using Google Research and from the total information collected, 20 articles were selected. Then an objective and systematic description of the content of the publications was made. The study of the results was carried out based on the objective of the review, which proposed to analyze mental health in Uruguay based on the implementation of Law 19,529 from the perspective of the press.
As a conclusion a significant progress was established in the rethinking of public management on mental health. Despite this, there is a gap between what the State offers through its public policies on mental health and what people with this type of condition receive. All of this reflects the fact that even when regulations and execution plans have been issued, they do not respond to the real problems suffered by patients. Revealing in several press articles the deficiencies of the Uruguayan health system and psychiatric institutions. On the other hand, it should be noticed that there is evidence of an alert in relation to the increase in cases of mental disorders in children and adolescents and in the suicide rate after the health crisis caused by COVID -19.
Palabras clave : Mental Health; Legislation; Health Planning; Mental Health Assistance; Uruguay.