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InterCambios. Dilemas y transiciones de la Educación Superior

versão impressa ISSN 2301-0118versão On-line ISSN 2301-0126


FREIRE, Teresa  e  RODRIGUEZ ENRIQUEZ, Carolina. Student voices evaluate online university courses. InterCambios [online]. 2024, vol.11, n.2, e211.  Epub 01-Dez-2024. ISSN 2301-0118.

Technology has contributed to the development of scientific, communication and other human sciences leading to considerable transformations in society and education. Pandemic-forced remote teaching has highlighted the relevance of redesigning planification in order to transform face-to-face into online courses in higher education.

The objective of this work was to analyze student personal perceptions to evaluate teaching methods or activities in a university online course during COVID-19 pandemics. To this end, we carried out a descriptive and qualitative investigation by analyzing student’s opinions and perspectives from two different cohorts (2020 and 2021). The analyses allowed the identification of different dimensions and categories from which we could identify both strengths and weaknesses of the course and introduce significant changes in order to develop a comprehensive course maintaining the same learning goals. Thus, we demonstrate that codesign in higher education is a valuable tool that empowers students by involving them in the co-creation of their learning in higher education in Uruguay.

Palavras-chave : student’s perspectives; higher education; online teaching.

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