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InterCambios. Dilemas y transiciones de la Educación Superior
versão impressa ISSN 2301-0118versão On-line ISSN 2301-0126
ZURITA ALTAMIRANO., Julio e PINOS MONTENEGRO, Judith. Actions for the internationalization of teachers. Case study in Ecuadorian Higher Education. InterCambios [online]. 2024, vol.11, n.2, e206. Epub 01-Dez-2024. ISSN 2301-0118.
This document reflects on internationalization in the field of university teaching. The existing literature maintains that internationalization efforts develop intercultural competencies that enable members of university communities to function in the globalized world. Due to the nature of the work, this is a case study which analyzes the experience of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, at its Ambato Campus (PUCESA). In terms of its scope, this research is exploratory. Regarding the type of data it collects, it retains a mixed approach. To collect the information, it combines the techniques of descriptive and documentary analysis. The analysis period covers six semesters, corresponding to the years 2019 (pre-pandemic), 2020 to March 2022 (pandemic) and 2023 (post-pandemic). Among the main findings, it is concluded that the confinement environments allowed the intensive use of virtuality and the international relationship between universities in the teaching component. However, the PUCESA relationship is concentrated in the south-south circle and with those close to Catholic identity.
Palavras-chave : higher education; internationalization; professor..