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vol.11 número2Professores horistas diante da precariedade laboralAnálise das implicações do regime acadêmico universitário nas experiências dos alunos: estudando em cursos de até 30 pessoas na UNAJ (Argentina) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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InterCambios. Dilemas y transiciones de la Educación Superior

versão impressa ISSN 2301-0118versão On-line ISSN 2301-0126


LUNA, Carlos; OTEGUI, Ximena; FLEITAS, Anabel  e  ALESSANDRINI, Daniel. Performance of engineering students with personalized orientation. InterCambios [online]. 2024, vol.11, n.2, e202.  Epub 01-Dez-2024. ISSN 2301-0118.

The sustained growth of enrolment, the large number of students in the initial courses and the heterogeneity both in terms of skills to face university life and previous knowledge have an impact on the academic performance of students entering the Faculty of Engineering at the Universidad de la República. Disengagement and dropout rates are problems that require the implementation of different strategies to accompany students in their university transition. In this context, the Faculty of Engineering develops various actions with the aim of contributing to improve the student situation. Since 2016, the Guidance and Counselling Unit and the Teaching Unit have been working together to implement student guidance and academic monitoring actions. The individual guidance and follow-up interviews (EIOS) are part of the actions aimed at students who request, on an exceptional basis, to return to curricular units, mostly in the first year. This article presents and discusses the most relevant aspects arising from the analysis carried out for the period 2015-2019 regarding the characterisation and academic results of students who participated in the EIOS. Elements were identified that indicate that throughout the period the EIOS favour academic progress. In particular, for an initial calculus course, statistically significant differences in academic performance were found in favour of students who participated in the EIOS in 2015, 2016 and 2019, as well as a higher percentage of permanence in the faculty in 2019.

Palavras-chave : educational counseling; academic achievement; engineering.

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