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vol.11 número2Desempenho de estudantes de engenharia com orientação personalizada índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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InterCambios. Dilemas y transiciones de la Educación Superior

versão impressa ISSN 2301-0118versão On-line ISSN 2301-0126


ANAYA TORRES, Edgar Daniel; RAMIREZ VICENTE, Ernesto  e  AVILA-CARRETO, Armando. Part-time professors facing employment precariousness. InterCambios [online]. 2024, vol.11, n.2, e201.  Epub 01-Dez-2024. ISSN 2301-0118.

This paper reveals forms of employment precariousness in terms of time, contracts, and wages, focusing on part-time teachers who make up the majority of the educational population. The methodology employed relies on a conceptual analysis of various articles that address the escalating issue of job insecurity in the Latin American educational sector. This problem stems from the adoption of neoliberal models since the 1980s, which prioritize efficiency and production maximization. Deregulation of contracts and outsourcing have led to a proliferation of flexible jobs, thereby deteriorating job security and working conditions for teachers. Moreover, the study highlights the particularly uncertain situation of non-unionized and “per class” teachers, who face disproportionate wages and a feeling of invisibility. Ultimately, the circumstances under which higher education teachers find themselves, with conditions of job precariousness, are deeply concerning, especially when high standards of educational quality are claimed, yet the fulfilment of parameters and results are prioritized over the teachers’ wellbeing.

Palavras-chave : professor; neoliberalism; teacher conditions of employment; part time employment.

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