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versión On-line ISSN 2079-312X
ANANIAS, Thayná Cristina y GODOY, Mahayana. NAMING: THE BOUBA-KIKI EFFECT IN A PRODUCTION TASK. Lingüística [online]. 2023, vol.39, n.2, pp.57-74. Epub 18-Oct-2023. ISSN 2079-312X.
This paper investigates whether the bouba-kiki effect (Ramachandran and Hubbard, 2001) does appear in the behavior of native Brazilian Portuguese (BP) speakers during a free naming task of picture pairs. We carried out a written production experiment with BP speakers. We performed a statistical analysis using mixed linear models in which we identified the segments /p/, /t/ and /i/ were more likely to be used for naming pointed shapes and the segments /l/, /o/ and / u/ for round shapes. Then we mapped whether there are preferences regarding sound parameters to name the different shapes. Voiceless obstruents were more common in the names of pointy forms, while sonorants were more frequently used to name pointy forms.
Palabras clave : sound symbolism; bouba-kiki; brazillian portuguese; free naming task; cross-modal association.