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versión On-line ISSN 2079-312X
FURTADO, Victoria. About niñas y niños: gender-based linguistic policies in uruguayan primary education. Lingüística [online]. 2018, vol.34, n.2, pp.9-31. ISSN 2079-312X.
In the last ten years, two trends converged in Uruguayan education: the promotion of gender-based linguistic policies and diversity policies. In this article I examine this confluence from an official textbook and the document that established the guidelines for its elaboration, to investigate how women are represented and how these representations are related to linguistic practices. I particularly evaluate the use of inclusive language, the main component of gender-based linguistic policies in Uruguay. The analysis shows that although there are more equitable representations of gender relations, there are still limitations in the approach to social diversity.
Contribution of language is restricted to inclusive language, which in turn implies an exclusively grammatical conception of the language, and representations about the linguistic practices of women are not problematized.
Palabras clave : language policies; inclusive language; gender; education.