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versión On-line ISSN 2079-312X
CASTRO, Vinícius Massad. The ludic nomination and the ludic names: a Semantical-enunciative analysis of personal nicknaming and nicknames. Lingüística [online]. 2018, vol.34, n.1, pp.144-172. ISSN 2079-312X.
In my master’s dissertation (Castro 2013), I analysed personal nicknaming and nickames having as a corpus the 2011 phone book by nicknames of the residents of Cláudio (MG), the Apelista 2011. The analysis were developed inside the Semântica do Acontecimento framework proposed by Guimarães (2002, among others). Having done the description of the formal regularities of the nicknames (phonetical, morphological and morphosyntatical) and the description of the nicknaming enunciative scene, I could compare them with the descriptions developed by Guimarães (2002) for what I called personal juridical names and juridical nomination.
This comparison allowed me to show a proper functioning of the personal nicknaming and nicknames and characterize them respectively as ludic nomination and ludic names inspired by the typology of discourses proposed by Orlandi (1983). In this paper I present, making some reviews, the descriptions that allowed me to reach this result.
Palabras clave : personal nicknaming; personal nicknames; enunciation; semantics.