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versión On-line ISSN 2079-312X
TOLEDO VEGA, Gloria. The role of context in the pragmatic development of spanish as second language/foreign language. Lingüística [online]. 2018, vol.34, n.1, pp.2-22. ISSN 2079-312X.
This study analyzes the pragmatic development of two groups of learners -a group in immersion context (SSL) and another in the opposite ambient (SFL)- to determine the importance of context in the development of Spanish as a non native language. We employ a qualitative analysis of statments (requests in asymetrical relations) of eigth learners in two phases of production separated by 15 weeks. We used the Blum-Kulka´s repertoire of strategies (1991) wich also takes into account the orientation of the speakers in the speech act and the grade of direction. We add in our study the analysis of the pronominal treatment in Spanish. After completing the two phases of the search we discovered that the difference in development between groups is not outstanding and that a minimal advantage of the SSL group has to do with the acquisition of sociopragmatic features.
Palabras clave : native speakers; non native speakers; pragmatic development; immersion/ non immersion; request; interlanguage.